News Articles
Celebrating Our Parents

Mothers Day and Fathers Day will soon be here! Are you thinking of ways you can show your appreciation for their love and support? You should recognize your parents because in reality there isn’t an instruction manual and they had to learn as they went along. Your parents have big shoes to fill as protector, role models, teachers and providers. They help shape character with experiences, memories and adventures that you’ll recall for a lifetime. There may not be a manual but parents do their best to balance nurture versus freedom. Finally, a parents’ job never ends. You will always be their kid!

Most parents would prefer spending time with their kids and feeling appreciated for what they were able to give. Put away the technology and try some of these things you could do with them this year:

  • Visit their church and sit with them
  • Go on a family hike
  • Organize a picnic with them
  • Make dinner and eat with them, clean dishes
  • Take your parents to the beach
  • Complete their To-Do list to free up their time to “play” with you
  • Plan a family movie night and watch what your parent wants to watch
  • Participate in your parents special hobby and ask questions about it
  • Kids! – Clean your Room!
  • Make them a card
  • Family trip to the ice cream shop
  • Say “Thank you”!
  • Plan a get away Vacation with them
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