Resident Information

Welcome to Canyon Falls!

As a resident in Canyon Falls we invite you to be an active part of our community! We hope you will get involved and even volunteer to chair a committee, assist with an event, author a story, promote activities, or serve on the Board of Directors! All the information you need about our community is right here on the website. You may find our Official Canyon Falls HOA Facebook page a helpful way to connect with the community. Our newsletter, Canyon Falls Connection, will keep you up to date on community happenings. Property Owners are automatic Members of the Homeowners Association of Canyon Falls. The Association and Board of Directors partners with IMC Property Management Company to professionally manage day-to-day activities.

Here are some helpful tips in acclimating to our community:

  • Create Your Online Profile – this will give you access to our website, stay up to date with community activities, newsletters, and meetings. How to register is in the News Articles tab. Landlords need to provide tenants initial information for tenant access approval.
  • Review the Association Governing Documents - As detailed in your closing papers, Canyon Falls is a deed-restricted community. Our website provides you all our governing documents and forms. It is your responsibility to be aware of the contents. Hard copies of these documents are available for a nominal copy fee by contacting IMC.
  • Get Involved – We are always looking for volunteers for a committee or other type of service to the association; we can’t wait to meet you! Responsible, service minded residents are the backbone of our association!
  • HOA Dues - Annual Dues are payable every January. We offer an online payment option for Annual HOA Dues thru our website. Any outstanding fines, fees, or other adjustments to your account is reflected in your official accounting statement with IMC.
If you have any questions about your Association, feel free to Contact Us!

Helpful contacts in setting up your new home:

City of Willis - Water/waste management. Trash pick up is Monday. Trash cans may be put out Sunday night and are to be put away Monday night. They are not to be stored in front of the garage.
Direct TV - (855) 463-7359  Check out the preferred location for satellite dishes in our governing documents.
Emergency or Fire - 911
Garage & Yard Sale Permit Applications, City of Willis. See Bylaws for community guidelines.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - (800) 273-8255 - Hotline available 24/7
Scams - file a complaint with the FTC if you are getting phone, email, or snail mail scammers contacting you! The FTC also manages the National Do Not Call Registry.
Sheriff's Department and Lake Patrol (936) 760-5800
Shuttle Service - service questions (844) 299-6242
Solicitation Violations - report companies & adults soliciting without a permit in community to (936) 856-4611.
TxDOT Project Tracker - online tool to view all construction projects underway and in the future any where in the State of Texas.
Veteran Service for Montgomery County, Texas  (936) 539-7842 or
Willis Police Vacation/House Watch Request Form - WPD will drive by your home daily to make sure everything is ok while you are out of town. Just complete & turn in the form to the WPD.
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News Articles
How to Prepare Your Home for Severe Weather
Posted on May 26th, 2021
Each year, the country is hit with hurricanes, tornadoes, hailstorms, super storms, flooding, and more. Of course, you have insurance to help you recover. But knowing and doing a few things now—while the weather’s fair—can help you and your family stay safe and help you protect your property if the unexpected happens.
Celebrating Our Parents
Posted on May 4th, 2021
Mothers Day and Fathers Day will soon be here! Are you thinking of ways you can show your appreciation for their love and support?
How to Maintain a Healthly Lawn in the Houstonian Area Climate
Posted on Apr 5th, 2021
Memorial Day is a big time of year in the Houston Metro & surrounding areas. Whether you’re going to a concert or taking in one of many parades around Houston, Baytown and Sugar Land, the sun on your face is a welcome reprieve from the fleeting memory of winter. For many Houston residents, there’s no better kick-off to the summer than a backyard cookout, and nothing worse for an outdoor party than to have your lawn in bad shape. Now is the time to start taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the Texas heat doesn’t inflict its damage on your yard.  
Read more Tips about Watering, Mowing, Preventative Care, & Pest Control ....... 
Avoid A Griswald Christmas
Posted on Nov 24th, 2020
Growing up I laughed along with the Griswald's with each holiday calamity! However, as an adult who had a few
of these calamities myself, I certainly never had one that ruined Christmas like the Griswald's!
Here's some safety tips to help avoid a Griswald Christmas
Annoyed by Neighbors Who Park on the Street? You're Not Alone!
Posted on Jun 1st, 2019
Those darned neighbors who park their cars on the street instead of their driveways create quite a nuisance!
Street parking inhibits the safe movement of fire apparatus, ambulances, law enforcement vehicles, school buses, U.S. Mail and utility vehicles. Additionally, it causes an unsafe environment for pedestrians to move freely around their neighborhood, especially small children.
How to Register on Website
Posted on Nov 15th, 2017
To Register on the Canyon Falls website:
  1. Click on Register in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select your Membership Type.  Do not be alarmed by the “Cost”. There is no cost to register on the website. Contact us if you have already made your annual HOA payment to IMC, we will verify and modify the accounting.
  3. Fill out the online Form, check you are not a robot, and click Continue.
  4. A Confirmation notification will be sent to your email once your registration is approved.
  5. Click on the link in the email. If you do not get an email, go to website and complete next step.
  6. On the website, set up your password. Your Username is your registered email address.
  7. Log into the Website and Update Profile.
  8. Register your Spouse under your profile to avoid billing duplications.
  9. Add your own content! If you own a business, you may add it to our Business Directory. Add your pet to the Pet Register so if they get out your neighbors know who to return them too!
If you have any questions, please Contact us!


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